Laptop User Agreement
Ridgewood Avenue School
Parent/Student Laptop Agreement Form
Students in the 4th Grade will be allowed to bring a personal laptop to school for educational use. It is our belief that if reasonable precautions and care are taken in the use of the laptop, the laptop should not experience physical damage. Each student and parent is asked to read this form carefully.
Both the parent and the student should sign this document.
- We understand and agree to abide by the rules and regulations already in place as a part of the Computer Agreement we have signed.
- We understand that the student, with the support of the parent, is responsible for the daily care and maintenance of the laptop.
- We understand the laptop should be in its case when being transported as a reasonable precaution against damage.
- We understand we are responsible for all repair/replacement charges associated with the laptop.
- We understand the school is not responsible for any lost or stolen laptops. Should this happen, we will notify administration immediately and we understand a police report must also be filed.
- We understand the use of the laptop is at the discretion of the teacher. Any misuse of the student laptop will result in consequences, including possible loss of laptop privileges.
- We understand students are only allowed to access the Internet during the school day with the permission of a Teacher.
A signature below signifies that the student and parent has read, and acknowledges the above. Please return to your child’s homeroom teacher
Student Signature: ____________________________ Date: _______
Parent Signature: ____________________________ Date: _______