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Ridgewood Avenue School

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What to Practice at Home


What to Practice at Home

The home-school connection is vital in helping your child to become successful. Here are some ways to get started: 

  1. Taking responsibility; in our classroom, the children will have a lot of responsibilities such as taking care of their supplies, completing tasks such as their class jobs, unpacking and packing up, taking out and putting away their supplies--this takes practice, but we need to give them the opportunities to do this!
  2. Following directions; give your child one-to-two (and slowly add more) step directions; this takes practice, but they are able to do this. Start off small-"Put away your backpack and meet me by the door." You may have your child repeat the directions aloud to make sure they remember them and hearing it helps to reinforce it in their mind. 
  3. Read, read, and read some more! This is one of the most important things you can do to help your child become successful; Read aloud, partner read, read here, read there, read every where! Discuss the book with them-what was their favorite part? Who was their favorite character? What did they learn from the story? 
  4. Discuss the work that comes home. Ask them what they learned and discuss any mistakes that were made. I stress with the children that mistakes are a good thing-as long as we learn from them! 


The following concepts and skills should be reviewed at home:
  • Reading high frequency words
  • Practice spelling your weekly words/spelling words
  • Practicing weekly spelling words 
  • Reading, a lot! Read with and to your child. 
  • Responding to text; talk about their favorite part; retell the story in sequence 


The following concepts and skills should be reviewed at home:

  • Practicing their multiplication and division; students will become secure (we are looking for automaticity) in knowing their facts,

  •  Telling Time

  • Counting Coins and Making change