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Ridgewood Avenue School

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Weekly Homework

Weekly Homework
 Please check agenda each night for individual assignments. 
Homework is to reinforce a concept that was taught that day.
Language Arts 
3rd Grade
Please go to my Google Classroom for assignments and latest updates:
 Spelling words are given weekly. Assessments will be on Friday
Spelling City should be completed each night for 10-15 minutes.
Typing web should also be completed each night. 
 Read 20 minutes every night. Remember to record it for Rhino Minutes!
Language Arts 
5th Grade:
Spelling words are given weekly. Assessments will be on Friday
 Spelling words are given weekly. Assessments will be on Friday
Spelling City should be completed each night for 10-15 minutes.
Typing web should also be completed each night. 
Friday: Spelling Test 
Read 20 minutes every night. Remember to record it for Rhino Minutes!