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Ridgewood Avenue School

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Art Enrichment


This year Ridgewood Avenue School will be offering art enrichment opportunities to all 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students. Each marking period students will meet twice per six day cycle and have the opportunity to voluntarily participate in creating an art enrichment project that will help them expand upon their creative potential. Each grade level will be creating a project using advanced skill sets and concepts with an emphasis on individuality and personal creativity. Themes that will guide enrichment projects will be "Understanding and Applying Art Genres", "Recreating a Famous Work of Art in an Alternate Medium", "Understanding Aesthetics to Create Your Own Artistic Style", and "Using Materials in Unconventional Ways". Participation is voluntary and students will be pulled out of two periods per six day cycle for art enrichment. Scheduling will be determined by the volume of students involved and an attempt to accommodate grade level schedules. Students will be assessed at the conclusion of each marking period with continued participation dependent on student's attendance, effort, ongoing interest, and overall ability as shown through the creation of their project. Should a student miss a session they will have a chance to make up that time by scheduling a make-up period that will work for both the student's and teacher's schedule allowing the student to keep up with their work. Both student and parent should take special consideration into the student's ability to balance academic responsibilities along with enrichment commitments so that both are filled simultaneously.

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