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Ridgewood Avenue School

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Odell, Samantha

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Incoming 6th Grade Summer Assignment:
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Directions and an example are also posted in Google Cassroom

Sixth Grade Language Arts

Summer Reading Assignment

Over the summer, your task is to read one book with which you will complete this assignment.


As you are reading your chosen book, post-it note pages you find the main character’s traits.  For instance, if on page 178 the character shows how he is brave, I would post-it that page.  You want to find at least 5 traits and examples as you are reading.

When you are all done with the book, your task is to create a character poster.  This poster should be on 8x11 paper (computer/printer paper).  It  should be sixth grade quality work and look like you’ve spent some time working on it.  

On the paper, you need a drawn picture of the main character (what you think they look like based on the book).  You need to surround the drawn picture with the 5 traits you chose, and the text evidence to go with each - include page numbers.   A picture example is in the Google Classroom assignment.
Mrs. Samantha Odell
Ridgewood Avenue School
6th Grade Language Arts Teacher