Math - Unit 6
Unit 6: Division and Angles
Students will learn...
6-1 To find a rule for solving extended division facts.
6-2 To find missing side lengths of rectangles.
6-3 To solve division number stories using familiar multiples.
6-4 To explore dividing multi-digit numbers into parts as a method for division.
6-5 To interpret remainders to decide how to package fruit for a fundraiser and explain their solutions and to discuss solutions and explanations of the problem and revise their work.
6-6 To explore U.S. customary units of weight and convert tons to pounds and pounds to ounces.
6-7 To practice using partial-quotients division to divide whole numbers with 3- and 4-digit dividends.
6-8 To explore different ways to express and interpret remainders.
6-9 To make and angle measurer and use it to measure angles.
6-10 To measure angles with a half-circle protractor.
6-11 To add and subtract to find unknown angle measures.
6-12 To add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers with like denominators to solve number stories.
6-13 To use their understanding of whole-number multiplication to multiply fractions by whole numbers.
Unit 6 Online Websites and Games:
Angles Practice:
Angle Jeopardy: