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Ridgewood Avenue School

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Cool Math links

Math drill and extra practice

This site creates worksheets with answer key to help students perfect skills and concepts.


Challenging tangrams puzzles

Math resource for everyone. All the way up to Calculus

If you look to the left, there should be a tool bar to navigate and find anything you need.

Math games and resources

Games and resources for math concepts.

Interactive math resource and practice

This is a good site for practicing math concepts and skills.  It will give your child immediate feedback.:)

World math

Students play at home and at school against other students around the world in live games of mental arithmetic. Each game lasts for 60 seconds and students can play up to 500 games, earning points for each correct answer. The students who answer the most questions appear in the Hall of Fame. Students cannot select their level but will move up as they progress.

Study Island

A great resource to reinforce skills and concepts.  Students must not attempt to do these problems in their heads.  All work should be done on paper.