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Ridgewood Avenue School

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Students are taught skills needed to promote safety and prevent unintentional injuries. However, injuries requiring first aid can happen in the classroom, or on the athletic fields. The school nurse will assess and administer first aid when necessary.

If necessary the school nurse will contact the parents. If there is a need for more than first aid she will call 911 and then the parents. Please remember to notify the school as soon as your emergency contact information changes, ex home, business and cell phone numbers. When your child is hurt we want to be able to notify you promptly.

All students who are injured whether at home school or sporting events, require written medical clearance from your doctor before returning to school listing any restrictions for school and physical education classes. Students who are seen and/or treated in the emergency room should obtain a written note from the doctor stating that the student is able to return/attend school. The emergency discharge papers do NOT qualify as a doctor’s note and do not provide clearance to return to school. When returning to school the student is to report to the health office with a doctor’s note prior to going to class. Our district form to return to school/PE class can be found under forms on my web page.

Students who have been diagnosed with fracture, sprains or strains and are returning to school with a cast, air cast, crutches, splints, slings, or immobilizers require a written note from their doctor including the following;

1.      Diagnosis of the injury

2.      Note should state when the student can return to school

3.      If restricted from PE class must state a return to class date.

4.      State student needs to use crutches, splints etc and for how long.

5.      If the student requires the use of the elevator

6.      When the student may resume sport practices and games


Students who receive stitches, staples, or sutures also are required to return with a doctor note stating a diagnosis and/or injury and if there is a need to restrict PE/or sports and for how long.