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Nurse's favorite health links

Food Allergy Basics

Whether you have a child with food allergies or know a child with food allergies, this site will educate you or refresh your memory. 

Epilepsy 101

An introductory site to learn about various seizure disorders that affect some of our students at school.  Helpful ways to learn to identify a child that may possibly be experiencing a seizure

juvenile diabetes at school

A brief introduction to juvenile diabetes and working with students with diabetes and their families at school

Keep Kids Healthy

   A nice website that includes information about Illnesses, nutrition, growth and development as well as parenting tips for all ages. 

Center for Disease Control

Wealth of information regarding common illnesses, update on influenza and other information.

NJ Parent Link

Linking Parents & Professionals to New Jersey's early Childhood Services and Resources.

Informative health site for parents, teens and children