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Ridgewood Avenue School

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When should I keep my child home?

 Children spread germs very quickly and easily without knowing it, even though they are reminded to wash their hands and cover their coughs and sneezes.  These seemingly small illnesses can have a serious and/or detrimental effect on anyone who is immuno-compromised or immuno-deficient.  We have several students that fit into the above categories attending the Ridgewood Avenue School.  In an effort to prevent the spread of germs from one student to another and to safeguard the health of both the students and the staff, here are some guidelines that should help you in making an informed decision about whether or not to send your child to school.  If your child is sick please keep them home.


·        Strep ThroatStudents may return to school 24-48 hours after the first dose of antibiotic therapy has been started, in accordance with your doctor’s orders.  The student must feel well enough to attend, and must not present with any other signs or symptoms, such as elevated temperature. (The strep virus can cause scarlet fever/scarlatina, if left untreated.)  


·        Fever—Students may return to school when their temperature has been normal for at least 24 hours, without having taken temperature-lowering medication.


·        Cold—Students should stay home if they are too uncomfortable to complete work.  Students should also stay home if they have a persistent or severe cough. Students may return to school when their temperature and activity level have returned to normal.


·        Vomiting/DiarrheaStudents should be symptom free for 24 hours and be able to hold down food and fluids before returning to school.


·        Skin Rashes—If the student exhibits a skin rash of undetermined origin, please consult your physician before sending the student to school.  A doctor’s note stating the condition is not contagious may be necessary for the student to return to school.


·        Conjunctivitis—If a student has been diagnosed as having conjunctivitis, they may return to school with a doctor’s note stating they are being treated for the condition, and they are no longer contagious.  The student should have no evidence of a discharge from the eyes.