Home & School Volunteering
Home & School Volunteering
¨ Discovery – Help research, offer classes for the after school Discovery Series
¨ Ways and Means – Develop objectives, plans and execute programs for fundraising (including: Sheets & Treats, Spirit Wear Fundraiser, Field Day Shirts)
In-School Help
¨ Enrichment – Research alternatives, develop proposals and plan and coordinate execution of programs
¨ Library – Help the librarian with class visits to the school library
Baking, Social and Good Will
¨ National Education Week/Teacher Appreciation – Cook/Bake for breakfast and lunch provided to teachers in November, May
¨ Publicity – Help take pictures and/or write articles for school events
¨ Social – Help with social events
Look out for:
¨ Book Fair – Help organize fair, help with set-up, break-down and/or class visits (March)
¨ Field Day (for students) – Help organize and work shifts at this annual event (June)
¨ Holiday Store – Help price items, help set-up, break-down, and/or class visits at annual event (December)
¨ Rhino Romp – Organize the first ever school-wide 5k run (Spring)
¨ School Supplies – Organize order and help distribute school supplies for the next school year (June and August)
¨ Sixth Grade Promotion – Help organize memory book, barbecue, etc. for sixth grade graduates (June)
¨ Valentine’s Day Baskets – Coordinate baskets to be distributed to GR community members such as policemen, crossing guards, and librarian (February)