Student Directory FAQ
Home Room Lists - To access your child's home room list
- log on to Family Access*
- Select your child's name at the top (if you have more than one child enrolled in the GR School System).
- Click on Home Room on the left hand side.
Schoolwide Student Directory - A School wide directory will be available online via Famliy Access later this Fall. Look for important information about the directory on your emails. H&S will also update parents on the directory at the H&S Meetings.
*Family Access is an amazing system where you and your child can monitor their academic progress. The system becomes VERY important in 6th grade and above when students begin to receive grades for assignments during the marking periods.
Glen Ridge uses the password protected Family Access to maintain student information, emergency contact and other important information. School closings are communicated via text, phone and or email - whatever options you select on your families profile. If you do not have a login or would like more information, please contact Amy Booth at